Here is a list of great resources including sites, PSD. files, actions, UI elements, mock ups et cetera and best of all, they are totally free!
A brilliant short from the folks at Restless Films…and fairly accurate.
It’s an established truism among creative people that you have to fail—and learn from those failures—in order to succeed. But is this really true? And what do you learn, exactly, from a failure—besides not to try that particular idea again?
via What Creatives Can Learn From Great Ideas That Go Terribly Wrong | Adweek.
Less than half of professionals working in digital marketing think they’re proficient at their jobs, and don’t really know if their marketing is even working. Â Adobe might have the answer.
You Have No Clue What Your Marketing is Doing, Says Adobe – Creativity.
What’s the worst that could happen…The end of the world?
via Is This the Most Evil and Sadistic Prankvertising Stunt Yet? | Adweek.