Tag: Social Media

I Type, Therefore I Am | Aeon

At some point in the past two million years, give or take half a million, the genus of great apes that would become modern humans crossed a unique threshold. Across unknowable reaches of time, they developed a communication system able to describe not only the world, but the inner lives of its speakers. They ascended — or fell, depending on your preferred metaphor — into language.

via I Type, Therefore I Am | Aeon.

What Classic Ads Would Look Like On Today’s Social Channels – PSFK

Social media affects the design and strategy of advertising. Advertising creative Eoin Conlon from Ireland takes a fresh look at five classic ads, re-envisioning how their message would be shared if they were to run today.

via What Classic Ads Would Look Like On Today’s Social Channels – PSFK.

Heineken Creates Interactive Bottle That Responds To Drinkers – PSFK

Heineken introduced a ‘smart’ beer bottle that can interact with other bottles, its surroundings, and the people around it, at Milan Design Week. ‘Heineken Ignite‘ is a new innovation from the brand that demonstrates its commitment to “using pioneering technology and design to create inventive new ways to experience the product and the brand.”

via Heineken Creates Interactive Bottle That Responds To Drinkers – PSFK.

Happy 75 Days Vine – Let’s Start Planting, It’s Spring

Happy 75 days Vine.  I enjoyed the article about you that was in today’s Adweek - Twitter Vines Pitch Volkswagens, Peanut Butter and Job Skills.  While many marketers are still trying to figure you out, I’m happy to see that they’re some adventures folks who have taken a dip into your 6-second waters.  I especially enjoyed the creative work by Peanut Butter & Co.  Let me make sure I got this right:

National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day Vine video + BOGO coupon = 1st Day 300,000 impressions + 6,000 coupon downloads.

Not bad work by a 12-person CPG company. You know what’s fun about this Peanut Butter & Co’s effort on Vine – little or no production cost .  Just some creative folks who figured you out  – how cool is that.  I look forward to other smart marketers getting their hands dirty as they start to plant little Vines into their digital marketing mix – and to think, just in time for spring.

Why I Like Vine

What I like about Vine is for the very reason that it captures a sliver in time that brings motion, sight and sound to life – and saves it in a little digital bottle.

Vine was born out of its 140-character cousin Twitter, and I believe is the next evolution of the hyper-short narrative – creating a new form of storytelling that’s relevant to the people who post videos – and I believe that’s a compelling act – for whomever to witness. It’s in our nature – people are a curious species.

Are all the clips legendary, likely not (neither are all the Twitter posts or Instagram photos that have been published). Unlike photography or copy, grabbing a moment out of time isn’t editable. It’s something that will never happen again. I believe there is still no post-production in life, right – and that’s the beauty of Vine.

As for the commercial utilization of Vine – smart brand marketers are figuring out how to use the 6-second video narrative as a sort of lede – to pitch people to their big idea/story that’s part of an integrated digital strategy – working together to increase awareness, engagement, activation, and all that other good stuff.

Now if you don’t mind – I need to go back to Vine and chase my animals – I don’t think the world has enough cat videos on the InterWebz as of yet.
