An amazing look at a great paper working to define its digital future.
An amazing look at a great paper working to define its digital future.
Less than half of professionals working in digital marketing think they’re proficient at their jobs, and don’t really know if their marketing is even working. Â Adobe might have the answer.
You Have No Clue What Your Marketing is Doing, Says Adobe – Creativity.
There’s a chasm widening between old school and new school marketers. New school marketers, typically those closer to social marketing channels targeted at Millennials, are telling me they’re having a hard time getting their projects funded internally because old school marketers in the C-suite don’t understand the new context and metrics driving social marketing.
via How to Ditch Marketing And Make Friends – Harvard Business Review.
In your life, you have at least one relative stranger whom you’ve grown close to. Maybe it’s a doorman. Maybe it’s the cashier at the local bodega. Maybe it’s the guy who works in the next cubicle over. So what if you only know their first name, and you’ve never had a conversation that exceeded 45 seconds? Over months of opened doors, midnight candy bars, and borrowed staplers, you’ve become quite familiar. You have a bond, a friendship, that can only be built over countless moments of tiny social friction. So why would things work any differently online?
via Facebook’s Secret To Building Friendships: Many Small Interactions | Co.Design.
Chicago-based photographer and storyteller, Paul Octavious has begun a mission to “match all the PANTONE  colors to things I find in everyday life.â€Â In the new series, aptly called ‘#ThePantoneProject,’ Octavious captures images of his hand holding up a PANTONE swatch that matches identically with the background environment.
via Photographer Matches Pantone Swatches With Everyday Life – PSFK.