Tag: Social Media

How to Embed Twitter Testimonials on Your Website | Social Media Examiner

What matters to most potential customers is not what you say about your business, but what your existing customers have to say.  Here’s a simple strategy to help you convince prospects to become customers. And it’s done by embedding Twitter testimonials on your website.

via How to Embed Twitter Testimonials on Your Website | Social Media Examiner.

Infographic Of The Day: How Twitter Exposes Google’s Limits | Co.Design

If you use Twitter at all, you’ve probably seen plenty of people lobbing questions to their followers– when they could have easily just gone to Google and searched for the answer.  This habit actually has its own hashtag, #lazyweb, and InboxQ and Column Five Media created an infographic laying out exactly the types of questions people tweet out when they’re too lazy to search. But it reveals a lot more than the depth of people’s laziness — it also betrays the types of things that current search technology just doesn’t find very well.

via Infographic Of The Day: How Twitter Exposes Google’s Limits | Co.Design.

In Our Information Age, Secrecy Is Sexy. How Can Brands Create An Aura Of Mystery? | Co.Design

Knowledge was once power, but these days knowledge is expected.  We live in a culture of oversharing. We broadcast our every thought, opinion, and move as Facebook updates or tweets. There’s tremendous pride in being the first of your friends to post a good link or to start a popular thread.

via In Our Information Age, Secrecy Is Sexy. How Can Brands Create An Aura Of Mystery? | Co.Design.

Infographic: How Foursquare Grew 3400% in One Year | Co.Design

It’s been a wild year for Foursquare: A couple of years ago, they were nothing more than an odd fad among certain tech-obsessed urbanites. Did you ever think people would get kicks from checking in to locations using their smartphones, the human equivalent of dogs peeing on lampposts? Maybe we’re not so different from neighborhood mutts checking their pee-mail. We’re social creatures.

via Infographic: How Foursquare Grew 3400% in One Year | Co.Design.

IntoNow Can Hear What You’re Watching On TV. The Media Check-In Game Just Changed | TechCrunch | MG Siegler

Just like GPS with location services, SoundPrint, a new technology created by IntoNow, allows you to automatically “check-in” to watching a show simply by hitting a button in the IntoNow app. How? It reads the sound waves and patterns of each television show (and a growing collection of movies as well) and matches it with a database they keep. Yep, it’s a lot like Soundhound or Shazam, but for video content.

via IntoNow Can Hear What You’re Watching On TV. The Media Check-In Game Just Changed..