Tag: Social Media

Why No One Will Watch Your Crappy Corporate “Viral” Video, And How To Fix It | Fast Company

You can’t make something go viral. You don’t decide, I don’t decide, the audience does. Asking for something to go viral is almost as absurd as calling your newest launch a “viral marketing campaign.” Really? Your campaign is to get people talking to other people about your company? What campaign isn’t about that? Viral isn’t a campaign, it’s a result of a good or really bad one.

via Why No One Will Watch Your Crappy Corporate “Viral” Video, And How To Fix It | Fast Company.

Overcoming the Din of Social Media, Thunderclap Lets the Crowd Speak as One – Technology – GOOD

If each voice in your Facebook stream were a singer, it would be a total cacophony. A new service called Thunderclap aims to help people with a message break through that noise by coordinating large groups to achieve the powerful harmony of a choir.

via Overcoming the Din of Social Media, Thunderclap Lets the Crowd Speak as One – Technology – GOOD.

Why Social Media Isn’t a Waste of Time [Infographic] | Schools.com

According to a recent report from Nielsen, Americans spend more time on Facebook than they do on any other U.S. website. What’s more, nearly four out of five Internet users visit social networks and blogs.

via Why Social Media Isn’t a Waste of Time [Infographic] | Schools.com.

The Anatomy Of A Facebook Fan | INFOGRAPHIC | So Bad So Good

The creative folks over at MoonToast have created a wonderful infographic aptly titled “The Anatomy Of A Facebook Fan” which clearly and concisely lay outs exactly how the entire journey of engagement begins and its ultimate outcome.

via The Anatomy Of A Facebook Fan | INFOGRAPHIC | So Bad So Good.

For Twitter’s 5th Birthday, New Grown-Up Logos | Fast Company

You’ve grown to 140 million tweets per day and impacted global politics. It’s time you moved beyond the cartoon birdie. Here’s three takes on a new Twitter logo.  Here’s one of my favorites.

via For Twitter’s 5th Birthday, New Grown-Up Logos | Fast Company.