Tag: Politics

If Every Player on the Miami Dolphins Registered To Vote. You Should Too.

Credit: Flickr/KOMU News Creative Commons

Civic Engagement is the lifeblood of our democracy. If every player of the Miami Dolphins registered to vote, you should too.

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Source: Every Single Member Of This NFL Team Registered To Vote. Here’s Why That’s So Cool | Good





Please Pass The Soma

So many passionately expressed their outrage back in September when the repeal of Obamacare was very real…and failed…thanks to those passionate voices.

Here’s the rub, the Republican Tax Bill — now all but assured passage by the Senate — includes a powerful provision that removes the Individual Mandate to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), effectively starving Obamacare — and will have a very similar effect on the lives of Americans as a straight repeal — increases in premiums for everyone and reduce coverage to affordable healthcare for millions who need it most.

I understand that taxes are messy and there’s so much wrong with this bill (including screwing over Polar Bears) — but I’m surprised by how many folks are sidelining this time around.

Is it fatigue..you know…it just doesn’t matter? You changed your mind about the need for affordable healthcare? You like the tax bill? Magical Thinking? Waiting for the overtime victory that’s snatched out of the jaws of certain defeat? You’re tired seeing these silly political posts and want more cat photos? Done.

Credit: Christopher Pollard. My Cat Sunny

I really don’t know.

Oh, well…I guess its time to embrace our new Kleptocracy, Corporatocracy or Oligarchy…you choose.

Please pass the Soma.

Source: Please Pass The Soma | Medium





Milton Glaser on Design & Dissent In the Age of Trump

“I learned that the only way to deal with men beating you over the head, was to resist.”
– Milton Glaser

Fascinating conversation between Milton Glaser and Steven Heller as they discussed how design & dissent are vital in the Age of Trump.

Source: Milton Glaser in conversation with Steven Heller at the Great Hall | The Cooper Union on YouTube

It’s the Internet’s Fault

Some people are still holding out that technology will save humanity from itself. But we keep forgetting that the world doesn’t run on information—it runs on emotion. Democracy relies on trust. Rule of law requires trust. If we lose our trust in our institutions, then those institutions will either crumble or turn cancerous. But the internet lines up incentives in such a way that it makes it profitable to breed distrust…The internet, in the end, was not designed to give people the information they need. It gives people the information they want.

Source: Everything is Fucked and I’m Pretty Sure It’s the Internet’s Fault | Mark Manson

The Pop-Up Anti-Brexit Newspaper That Wouldn’t Quit

The New European was supposed to be a “pop-up” newspaper, with a planned run of just four weeks. But the publication has developed enough of a following that Archant has decided to continue publishing through at least the end of the year

Source: This Anti-Brexit Newspaper First Launched as a Pop-up, But It’s Doing Well Enough to Continue Indefinitely | Nieman