Tag: Mobile

Clif Bar Gets People Geo-tweeting for a Coupon | Promo

To receive the coupon, part of a much larger sampling program the brand engages in on a regular basis, the tweeter is directed to the website to download the offer. So far about 300 coupons have been fulfilled for people who have successfully used geo-tagging that was verified to have been taken from a required location.

via Clif Bar Gets People Geo-tweeting for a Coupon | Promo

A Tufte-Inspired App That Visualizes The Twittersphere | Co.Design

As anyone who’s ever seen that dreaded tally knows, Twitter has a major problem with information overload. Keeping up with thousands of tweets, not to mention figuring out which ones are actually valuable, can feel like a life-consuming task. Twheel, an unusual new app aimed at reducing Twitter’s information clutter, solves the problem by turning your tweets into a beautifully designed map.

via A Tufte-Inspired App That Visualizes The Twittersphere | Co.Design

iPhone GPS Data Looks Like Glowing Fireflies | Co.Design

Sometimes, we’re all in the mood for a thick and meaty infographic. Other times, especially Fridays, we’re in the mood for something that’s simply gorgeous and excellent, like these visualizations of iPhone-tracking data by Michael Kreil.

via Infographic Of The Day: iPhone GPS Data Looks Like Glowing Fireflies | Co.Design.

Amid New Devices and Tech, Media Retakes Driver’s Seat I Advertising Age

A host of shiny new tablets have joined Apple’s iPad. Both Apple and Google have rolled out subscription plans geared for media. Advertising is in recovery. The pendulum appears to be swinging from technology back to content. In short, it’s a time of opportunity for media; the question is how to seize it. That’s the challenge for Michael Wolf and Anil Dash, co-founders of Activate, a digital consultancy built to help media navigate opportunities ahead.

via Amid New Devices and Tech, Media Retakes Driver’s Seat – Advertising Age – Digital.