Tag: Measurement

You Have No Clue What Your Marketing is Doing, Says Adobe

Less than half of professionals working in digital marketing think they’re proficient at their jobs, and don’t really know if their marketing is even working.  Adobe might have the answer.

You Have No Clue What Your Marketing is Doing, Says Adobe – Creativity.

Block by Block, Brooklyn’s Past and Present

Brooklyn, Building by Building. Created by the folks at BRKLYN magazine. One editor plotted the borough’s 320,000 + buildings by the date they were built and created an informative and interactive infographic.

Brooklyn, New York

BKLYNR | Block by Block, Brooklyn’s Past and Present.

What Ron Johnson Got Right – Harvard Business Review

Must every business decision be backed by big-data and predictive analytics and a slavish deference to the voice of the customer? Is there no place for instinct in strategy anymore? Johnson’s debacle will go down as one of business history’s epic fails. But I think he was right about one thing: “To do things that haven’t been done before,” he says, “you need to trust your intuition.”

via What Ron Johnson Got Right – Harvard Business Review.

Shop For Groceries On Train Platforms From Virtual Grocery Displays – PSFK

We’ve noticed a number of retailers experimenting with virtual display formats over the last 18 months. These types of stores allow for almost any environment to be easily transformed into retail space, with very low startup costs and space requirements. By utilizing simple technology, transitional urban spaces such as subway and train platforms can be repurposed for entirely new uses.

via Example: Shop For Groceries On Train Platforms From Virtual Grocery Displays – PSFK

Selling Your Most Personal Item: Your DNA | Wired

Minneapolis-based startup Miinome is already building a platform that will help consumers control what offers they get from retailers based on their genetic makeup, and to possibly cash in on the value of their DNA by selling the data back to marketers and researchers.

via Selling Your Most Personal Item: Your DNA | Wired.