Designers can reach over 1 billion people just by keeping accessibility in mind, says Google’s Astrid Weber and Jen Devins.
In these competitive times, advancing in your career is far from automatic. Those who sit back and wait for things to happen for them often end up frustrated, disillusioned, and burned out. In contrast, those who look for opportunities and seize them seem to have “better luck” than others.
Source: The Top 10 Traits of People Who Advance in Their Careers |
There’s a whole lot more to it than just getting enough sleep and eating right.
Source: How To Be Focused All Day Long – Brain Productivity Hacks
This relentless and accelerating pace of change has made it impossible to predict the future. Five year plans are now a fool’s errand. Rigorous analysis, decades of experience, and detailed roadmaps are now a liability. The very things that enabled the most successful organizations to thrive in the 20th century are now the very things that cause organizations to fail.
Source: The Most Interesting Questions in Business — Medium
Failure has been key to Robert Rodriguez’s success. Rodriguez, a filmmaker who’s now chairman of his own cable TV network, El Rey, said some of his best ideas for movies came on the sets of films that turned out to be flops—either critically or at the box office.
Source: Fillmaker Robert Rodriguez Speaks at the 4A’s Transformation Conference | Adweek