Tag: Innovation

Twitter Cofounders Unveil Medium, A Publishing Platform That Feels Like Tumblr And Looks Like Pinterest | Fast Company

Medium is at heart a blogging service, although right now it’s only open to a select few authors. The posts are organized into “collections” that use different layouts depending on the content. One section, “The Writer’s Room,” appears to be organized by Emergence author Steven Johnson and is a plain text article template, while “Been There. Loved That.” is a photo-driven page that looks squarely like Pinterest and is curated by a developer at the company.

via Twitter Cofounders Unveil Medium, A Publishing Platform That Feels Like Tumblr And Looks Like Pinterest | Fast Company.

Why Great Ideas Get Rejected | 99U

Have you ever debuted an exciting new idea to the world only to receive a lukewarm or even highly critical response? Well, get used to it. Mounting evidence shows that we all possess an inherent bias against creativity. The good news is there’s something we can do about it.

via Why Great Ideas Get Rejected | 99U.

Cycle on the Recycled: A $9 Cardboard Bike Set

The all cardboard bike is shockingly durable: it can carry riders who weigh up to 485 pounds. A layer of coating atop the cardboard shields the bike from the elements and gives the finished product the look and feel of lightweight plastic. While the cost to make the bicycle ranges from nine to twelve dollars, the manufacturer expects to sell the vehicle for sixty to ninety dollars depending on the optional addition of an electric motor.

via Cycle on the Recycled: A $9 Cardboard Bike Set to Enter Production in Israel – Business – GOOD.

To Get To The Root Of A Hard Problem, Just Ask “Why” Five Times | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

To accelerate, lean startups need a process that provides a natural feedback loop. When you’re going too fast, you cause more problems. Adaptive processes force you to slow down and invest in preventing the kinds of problems that are currently wasting time. As those preventive efforts pay off, you naturally speed up again.

via To Get To The Root Of A Hard Problem, Just Ask “Why” Five Times | Co.Design: business + innovation + design.

The Perils of Overplanning | Stepcase Lifehacks

Often the most effective productivity comes not from thorough planning, but from a distinct lack of planning (or at least less planning.)

via The Perils of Overplanning.