Tag: Innovation

6 Startup Lessons From Designers At Pinterest, Fuseproject, and Behance | Co.Design

The first edition features conversations with Evan Sharp of Pinterest, Rashmi Sinha of SlideShare, Yves Béhar of fuseproject, Christina Brodbeck of theicebreak, and Scott Belsky and Matias Corea of Behance. Collectively, they’ve helped create over a billion dollars of value and impacted the lives of millions.

via 6 Startup Lessons From Designers At Pinterest, Fuseproject, and Behance | Co.Design.

Social Workflow – A Future Of Work Trend – PSFK

Social communication tools are being baked into business processes to provide more fluid workflows and enable data gathering to make better business decisions. Using the popular form factor of social networks and user-friendly graphic interfaces, these platforms help remove obstacles around effective use.

via Social Workflow – A Future Of Work Trend – PSFK.

The Bias Against Creatives as Leaders :: 99U

Studies show that leaders who are more creative are in fact better able to effect positive change in their organizations, and are better at inspiring others to follow their lead.

via The Bias Against Creatives as Leaders :: 99U.

16 Simple Rules for Living a Successful Life – Lifehack

Are you scrambling to find a peaceful moment in the day when you can put your feet up and relax? Are you rushed, stressed out and ready to call it quits.

via 16 Simple Rules for Living a Successful Life – Lifehack.

How Rejection Breeds Creativity :: 99U

In a series of experiments, researchers led by Sharon Kim of Johns Hopkins University sought to examine the impact of rejection on individuals’ creative output. In the first experiment, participants were given a series of personality questions and told they would be considered for participation in several group exercises in the future.

via How Rejection Breeds Creativity :: 99U.