Tag: Innovation

Pixies’ ‘Surfer Rosa’: The Band’s Second Album Turns 25 Years Old

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Pixies’ second album, “Surfer Rosa,” a seminal LP that has gone down in Rolling Stone history as one of the 500 greatest records of all time.  “Surfer Rosa” might be my most listen to album/cassette tape/CD/mp3 in my life.  I don’t know why today isn’t a national holiday.

via Pixies’ ‘Surfer Rosa’: The Band’s Second Album Turns 25 Years Old.

Agency’s Happiness App Monitors Employees’ Morale – PSFK

Indonesian-based digital agency XM Gravity has launched an in-house mobile app that aims to improve staff’s mood and strengthen their bond. The XM Gravity Happiness App has four different features: Mood, News, Task, and Contact.

via Agency’s Happiness App Monitors Employees’ Morale – PSFK.

How to Be More Creative – Forbes

According to research by Clayton Christenson, Jeff Dyer and Hal Gergersen — the co-authors of  The Innovator’s DNA — recent research has found that most creative skills are not a special gift conferred on us at birth by the Magical Gene Fairy.  They can be learned.  In fact, between 60 and 75 percent of our innovation skills are developed and fostered.

via How to Be More Creative – Forbes.

Why Innovation By Brainstorming Doesn’t Work | Fast Company

The conventional wisdom that innovation can be institutionalized or done in a formal group is simply wrong. Part of what we know about the brain makes it clear why the best new ideas don’t emerge from formal brainstorming. First, the brain doesn’t make connections in a rigid atmosphere. There is too much pressure and too much influence from others in the group. The “free association” done in brainstorming sessions is often shackled by peer pressure and as a result generates obvious responses. In fact, psychologists have documented the predictability of free association.

via Why Innovation By Brainstorming Doesn’t Work | Fast Company.

Paths Toward A More Creative Life | Co.Design

Leading a creative life is increasingly the path people are choosing, for good reason. In an era of volatility, uncertainty, chaos, and ambiguity, being creative is perhaps the best way to navigate your career and succeed. It gives you the right skill set and mindset. But a creative life can offer more than business success.

via Paths Toward A More Creative Life | Co.Design.