Tag: Innovation

The Importance of Humility


Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 3, 2015. Photo: Christopher Pollard

As design advances and evolves, it is critical for us to acknowledge the central role that humility plays, or risk letting our egos die in tandem with our careers.

Source: Good Design is Humble | Austin Knight

The Reductive Seduction of Other People’s Problems — The Development Set


Photo: Shoji Moriwaki, Creative Commons 2.0

A call to arms that challenges young, idealistic Americans who wish to solve problems in far-flung places to think about channeling their noble, social entrepreneurial energy at home to tackle the many complex problems that our country faces.

Basically a compelling 9 minute Saturday night read.

Source: The Reductive Seduction of Other People’s Problems — The Development Set — Medium

IBM Thinks Big About Design Thinking


Photo: Tom Bricker, Creative Commons 2.0

IBM is not a design company. Of its nearly 400,000 employees, few could rightly be described as aesthetes; of its assorted products, many seem to be of the “function over form” variety. And yet, if you look past its pocket-protector reputation, there’s little doubt that IBM is angling—more aggressively than any corporation of its size—to become a leading design company in the most literal sense of the phrase

Source: IBM’s Got a Plan to Bring Design Thinking to Big Business | Wired

America | Bernie Sanders

Say what you will. The Sanders campaign hit a home run with ‘America’, an outstanding and inspiration vision of United States that I believe in.

Source: America | Bernie Sanders