Tag: Innovation

Design For Happiness

Design, at its heart, is about solving problems. That’s why it’s so easy to talk to designers. They can explain exactly how their interface is built to help you navigate through your phone, or how a device was shaped to make it possible for mass manufacturing on the assembly line.But over the course of hundreds of conversations with designers, I’ve begun to wonder: If most people’s goal is to live a happy life, why did I never hear designers explain how they’d built something to make me happy?

Source: How To Design Happiness | Co.Design

Service Design 101

A quick introduction to service design, a growing discipline that draws on many concepts, ranging from user experience, marketing and project management in order to optimize new services.

Source: What is Service Design? — Medium

How To Manage Today’s Range of Personalities at Work

Long gone are the days of a room full of lookalike salespeople following the same robotic spiel and working towards the same goals – diversity is a strength when managed well

Source: From Millennials to Technophobes: Managing Personalities at Work- Raconteur.net

11 Habits of Genuinely Brave People

Photo: Jon Sullivan. http://www.public-domain-image.com/free-images/people/brave-person-walking-out-on-the-glacier-point-ledge

Photo: Jon Sullivan. public-domain-image.com

Take a look at this list and see how many apply to you — and how many you want work to make sure can apply to you in the future.

Source: Be Bold, Be Daring, Be Heroic: 11 Habits of Genuinely Brave People | Inc.com

Ten Innovative Ways Construction is Changing

Ten Innovative Ways Construction is Changing_20160330

The construction industry is going through a period of radical change, experiencing disruptive innovation through modernisation and technological evolution. Here are eight innovations changing the way the industry works

Source: Ten Ways We Are Changing the Way We Build – Raconteur.net