Tag: Infographic

How Pop Chart Lab Made That Amazing Apple Infographic | Co. Design

After 18 months of putting together charts on everything from beer to professional wrestlers, we’re often asked at Pop Chart Lab how we come up with this stuff. Our method varies a bit from chart to chart, but there are some tools and processes that serve us well. Here, we detail how we assembled our latest product chart, “The Insanely Great History of Apple.”

via How Pop Chart Lab Made That Amazing Apple Infographic | Co. Design.

The Anatomy Of A Facebook Fan | INFOGRAPHIC | So Bad So Good

The creative folks over at MoonToast have created a wonderful infographic aptly titled “The Anatomy Of A Facebook Fan” which clearly and concisely lay outs exactly how the entire journey of engagement begins and its ultimate outcome.

via The Anatomy Of A Facebook Fan | INFOGRAPHIC | So Bad So Good.

A Family Tree For Video Game Controllers | Co. Design

Pop Chart Lab, one of our favorite creators of infographics, has done it again: a poster which every gamer should get RIGHT THIS SECOND. Having already tracked everything from wrestler names to beer, they’ve created what is surely the definite history of the video game controller, all presented in a superb family tree showing when everything was made, what it came from, and what it begat.

via A Family Tree For Video Game Controllers | Co. Design.

Infographic: How Scientific Ideas Flow Around The World | Co. Design

The old stereotype that scientific breakthroughs result from some lone rumpled genius toiling away in his basement laboratory hardly abides nowadays. Scientists collaborate. A lot. And in some unlikely ways, as this data visualization by the always-brilliant Moritz Stefaner (with support from agency Onformative’s Christopher Warnow) shows.

Max Planck Research Networks (screencast) from Moritz Stefaner on Vimeo.

via Infographic: How Scientific Ideas Flow Around The World | Co. Design.