Tag: Digital

Samantha Payne Make Prosthetics Cool

Samantha Payne of Open Bionics spoke at Big Omaha 2016 about her company’s mission to create affordable, open source 3D printed bionics, their work at the Disney Techstars accelerator and rethinking what a human hand can be. She also discussed developing Iron Man, Frozen and Star Wars themed bionic hands for children.

Source: Samantha Payne at Big Omaha: “The point is to make prosthetics cool” [Video] – Silicon Prairie News

‘Interactive Dynamic Video’ is Changing the VR Game

In a world that’s soon to be dominated by VR, the ability to create a life-like environment revolves almost wholly around advanced 3D modeling, an expensive and labor-intensive process that yields great results but comes at the expense of hundreds (or thousands) of man hours. Researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) may have a better way.

Source: MIT just changed the VR game with ‘Interactive Dynamic Video’ – The Next Web

Culture is Your Most Important Asset

It turns out the consultants were right. Now, I’ve not only embraced Drucker’s mantra of culture-eats-strategy, but I’ve upgraded to Bill Aulet’s religion of “culture eats strategy for breakfast, technology for lunch, and products for dinner, and soon thereafter everything else too!”

Source: 3 Reasons Why Culture is Your Most Important Asset – UNREASONABLE

Can Virtual Reality Revolutionize Education?

Virtual reality’s immersive qualities have been researched for decades. In the mid-1990s, several years before The Matrix was released, controlled studies were conducted to test VR’s effectiveness as a form of exposure therapy – which enables sufferers to confront the object of their fear in a controlled environment – treating conditions such as acrophobia, a fear of heights. While the results were very promising, broadly waning consumer interest in the technology at the time saw it largely fall out of the

Source: Can Virtual Reality Revolutionise Education? – Digital Pulse

UX Design Trends To Follow In 2016

Last year, we have experienced a great revolution in the domain of UX design. As we had stated back then, the most significant trends in UX design are here to stay and are assumed to be followed this year as well.If you really want to position yourself as a strong entity in the competitive professional world, then you also need to enhance the user experience you are providing. Have you observed that a large number of organizations are now more inclined towards selling experience and not just a product or a service? The only reason is that they have realized its significance!

Source: 6 UX Design Trends To Follow In 2016 – Usability Geek