Tag: Culture

As Authorities Crack Down, Banksy Enters The Olympic Graffiti Games | Co.Create: Creativity \ Culture \ Commerce

Banksy strikes again. Even as the authorities crack down on graffiti artists in the run-up to the games (to make the city safe for all that branding, presumably), the U.K.’s most famous street artist is refusing to sit out the festivities. So far, two new Olympic-themed pieces have emerged, both brimming with the kind of subversive wit that helped inspire the recent Brandalism project.

via As Authorities Crack Down, Banksy Enters The Olympic Graffiti Games | Co.Create: Creativity \ Culture \ Commerce.

The Invisible Borders That Define American Culture – Arts & Lifestyle – The Atlantic Cities

When we think about borders, we tend to think of administrative boundaries. Those demarcating lines, often grown out of rivers and mountain ranges or diplomatic quirks, govern our daily lives, and that’s doubly so if we live near a neighboring country or state.

via The Invisible Borders That Define American Culture – Arts & Lifestyle – The Atlantic Cities.

One Mans Discarded Trinkets Become Art—in a Dumpster – Design – GOOD

When Brooklyn-based collage artist Mac Premo was preparing to move from his longtime studio to a much smaller one, he knew he had to get rid of hundreds of items from his past. But instead of simply tossing everything in the trash, he decided to catalog each item and the memories associated with them.

via One Mans Discarded Trinkets Become Art—in a Dumpster – Design – GOOD.

To Margaret, Love Howard

A note from my grandfather to my grandmother that he scribed on the inside page of a 1936 edition of The Best Loved Poems of the American People.


Microsoft Tags Converted Into Interactive Digital Art @PSFK

The Tag: We’re It project (curated by Lee Billington and Lisa Kaselak) uses Microsoft Tag technology to ‘aesthetically explore the relationship between data and memory.’ The large installation includes various Microsoft Tags, which from afar, appear like binary dots scattered across a wall. Smaller black-framed squares can be moved around and depending which Microsoft Tag a block moves over, a particular video will play.

via Microsoft Tags Converted Into Interactive Digital Art @PSFK.