Tag: Culture

In Minnesota, We Play Better Games

More proof of Minnesota’s superiority: We play better games. Or, at least, our version of a classic children’s game is better than everyone else’s, according to a handful of admittedly biased experts.

The game is Duck, Duck, Gray Duck. Or is it? If you think it’s Duck, Duck, Goose, then either: a) You’re wrong, b) You’re not from Minnesota, or c) Both.

via Minnesota’s kids’ game can’t duck controversy | Star Tribune.

Long Live Duck Duck Grey Duck

I couldn’t agree more with Katie Heaney’s Minnesota memories of Duck, Duck, Grey Duck.  I was pleasantly surprised to see a map I created more than a year ago used to illustrate the point in her BuzzFeed.  The friendly debate that’s followed has been entertaining.  Here’s my advice, if you haven’t tried Duck Duck Grey Duck #DDGD, give it a shot. It’s not like DDGD is a gateway activity that will lead to a life of debauchery or something…unless you’re into that. Go out with some friends, grab some beverages, find a park and come up with the most ridiculous names for a duck.

Duck Duck Grey Duck vs. Duck Duck Goose - State By State - 2013

You’ve Been Playing “Duck, Duck, Goose” Wrong Your Whole Life.

11 Amazing Tattoo Designs From 1870 To Today

For more than 5,000 years, people have been subjecting themselves to ink-stained needles in an attempt to turn their bodies into art. The 25th-anniversary edition of Taschen’s 1000 Tattoos explores the history of body art around the world, from Maori facial engravings to skinhead markings to ’20s circus ladies to awful drunken mistakes (hello, ankle dolphin tattoo).

via 11 Amazing Tattoo Designs From 1870 To Today | Co.Design .



It’s a common sentiment around the world that everything is bigger in the US—from parking lots to fast-food beverages. In his latest book “Ingenious,” author Jason Fagone proves that the American capacity for innovation really is huge. The book follows four teams of amateur and professional automotive designers, engineers and garage inventors as they vie for the X Prize Foundation’s $10 million award.

Source: Ingenious – Cool Hunting.

Free Wheel: An Oral History of Bicycle Design

The bike remains the most efficient method of transportation on Earth, and in times of energy efficiency and environmental compatibility, it’s also one of our most sustainable products. It allows the purest experience of the landscape and the body.

via Free Wheel: An Oral History of Bicycle Design | GOOD.