What defines talent? Or lasting ideas? A legacy? Prince knew. From the beginning, he used surprise to his advantage.
Source: Prince’s Most Inspirational Talent Was Mastering the Art of Surprise | Adweek
What defines talent? Or lasting ideas? A legacy? Prince knew. From the beginning, he used surprise to his advantage.
Source: Prince’s Most Inspirational Talent Was Mastering the Art of Surprise | Adweek
Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called life
Electric word life
It means forever and that’s a mighty long time
But I’m here to tell you
There’s something else
The after world
A world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night
– Prince
A Minnesota legend – These lyrics were my introduction to an imaginative master. His music touched so many moments in my life. My heart is a bit heavy. Thank you for your gift.
Source: Prince dead at 57: Legendary musician found at Paisley Park
Do you know what a bicycle looks like? Of course you do. At least you think you do. You’re pretty sure; there’s a couple of wheels, a couple of tubes, some handlebars…But do you really know what a bicycle looks like? Could you draw the perfect mountain bike, BMX or a road bike completely from memory? You might think so, but if Italian artist Gianluca Gimini’s genius latest project is anything to go by, there’s a good chance you’re wrong.
Source: Artist Asks Strangers to Draw a Bicycle From Memory… Then 3D Renders The Results – Mpora
Abandoned bowling alleys lie scattered across the landscape as if the gods of recreational sports had laid ’em low with a single thunderous strike.
Source: Pinned Down: 10 More Abandoned Bowling Alleys | Urbanist