Tag: Creativity

We Are America – Happy Independence Day to One and All


To love America is to love all Americans. John Cena takes a break between dropping body slams to drop some truth – that patriotism is more than pride of country, it’s love beyond labels. While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, many of us unintentionally make snap judgments about people based on what we see – whether it’s race, age, gender, religion, sexuality, or disability. The Love Has No Labels campaign challenges us to open our eyes to our implicit, or unconscious, bias at www.lovehasnolabels.com

Design Debt

A less commonly discussed side effect of adopting an iterative and experiment-driven design process is the incurring of something called Design Debt. This is where the cohesion and consistency of a design deteriorates over time as new experiments are run and new elements are introduced into the design. Strong design direction and regular refactoring can help to periodically unify the design and uphold its structural integrity.

Source: Design Debt | Austin Knight

Virtual Journey to Ireland


Natakhtari Brewery’s Old Irish, a Georgian (country) beer created a fantastic virtual reality campaign that transports folks along a journey about what makes their drink “100% Irish.”

Salt Labyrinths Swirl Inside 13th Century French Castle

Gazing down at foamy-looking swirls of white on black from a niche in an ancient castle, you almost feel as if you’re an astronaut watching a hurricane form above the ocean on the distant Earth. These cellular arrangements form tentacular appendages of varying opacity, meeting in the center to create a vortex effect. They are, in fact, made of salt, with each grain symbolizing a memory or a moment in time. Artist Motoi Yamamoto installed ‘Floating Garden’ and ‘Labyrinth’  within the castle tower at Aigues-Mortes in Southern France for an exhibition called ‘Univers’ Sel,’ on display through the end of November.

Source: Univers-Sel: Salt Labyrinths Swirl Inside 13th Century French Castle | Urbanist

The Biggest Driver of Design Innovation

The call to incorporate accessible design into a website can sometimes be met with resistance: it’s seen as an impediment to full functionality. That’s the wrong attitude — Designing for people with disabilities has in fact unlocked some of the world’s major innovations.

Source: The Biggest Driver of Innovation You’ve Never Heard Of | PwC