Tag: Branding

Value Your Clients

Naturally, you want to be actually providing your clients with the most value you can for the money they’re paying you. But – and I’ll probably offend some people by saying this – value, especially in a design context, is subjective. What one person finds valuable, someone else might consider utter garbage, and vice-versa.

Source: Providing Unique Value To Your Design Clients | Speckboy

Zombies Get Faster In Brooks’s First-Ever Ad

Brilliant ad from Seattle-based Brooks Running as it launches its first-ever TV spot this month on NBC this during the Olympic marathon trials on February 13. The ad will provide a different take on the trials and tribulations of the zombie class and capture the transformative power of running. I better lace up my shoes.

Source: Zombies Get Faster In Brooks’s First-Ever Ad, “The Rundead” | Co.Create

The Premier League Brilliantly Rebrands

The Premier League has launched a new visual identity for the 2016/17 season, with an updated lion icon designed to communicate a new side to the world’s most popular football league. And, the work is nothing short of brilliant.

Source: DesignStudio Rebrands Premier League – Creative Review

Favorite 2016 Super Bowl Spot

Helen Mirren is the star of Brand Bowl (and by association Budweiser) with my top Super Bowl spot. There’s something pleasant about being talked to sternly by a ‘notoriously frank and uncensored British lady’. Right? So, don’t be a pillock and go driving drunk now.

George Lois Is Still A Legend

The original madman opines on everything from Google’s redesigned logo (“ridiculous”) to John Galliano (“I want to just punch his face”).

Source: Legendary Ad Man George Lois Is Still At It | Co.Design