Tag: Branding

Fillmaker Robert Rodriguez Speaks at the 4A’s Transformation Conference

Failure has been key to Robert Rodriguez’s success. Rodriguez, a filmmaker who’s now chairman of his own cable TV network, El Rey, said some of his best ideas for movies came on the sets of films that turned out to be flops—either critically or at the box office.

Source: Fillmaker Robert Rodriguez Speaks at the 4A’s Transformation Conference | Adweek

10 Trends for 2015

So you’re already well versed in the Big Changes coming. The Internet of Things (yes, more of it). More smartphones. Economic recovery (the US). Economic slowdown (China). Economic uncertainty (pretty much everywhere). Aging populations. More China. You know the drill.This list is different.

Source: 10 Trends for 2015 | trendwatching.com

Minnesota’s RyKrisp Plant, The Only One In The World, Is Closing

A brand of rye cracker that was created in Minnesota more than 100 years ago, and has been produced here since, is coming to an end (as millions of Scandinavians politely scream).

Source: Minnesota’s RyKrisp Plant, The Only One In The World, Is Closing – Twin Cities Business