Tag: Animals

The Humans With Super Human Vision | DiscoverMagazine

Tetrachromacy, the ability to see a hundred million colors, would likely appear in women with sons or fathers who are colorblind. It’s estimated that 2 percent of women have the genetic mutation that results in the extra retina cone.






via The Humans With Super Human Vision | DiscoverMagazine.com.

Increase Your Teams Curiosity – Harvard Business Review

When leaders learn that they aren’t asking question, they often overcompensate by asking a lot of questions and withholding their own views. This leaves team members feeling interrogated rather than engaged.

via Increase Your Teams Curiosity  – Harvard Business Review.

Why I Like Vine

What I like about Vine is for the very reason that it captures a sliver in time that brings motion, sight and sound to life – and saves it in a little digital bottle.

Vine was born out of its 140-character cousin Twitter, and I believe is the next evolution of the hyper-short narrative – creating a new form of storytelling that’s relevant to the people who post videos – and I believe that’s a compelling act – for whomever to witness. It’s in our nature – people are a curious species.

Are all the clips legendary, likely not (neither are all the Twitter posts or Instagram photos that have been published). Unlike photography or copy, grabbing a moment out of time isn’t editable. It’s something that will never happen again. I believe there is still no post-production in life, right – and that’s the beauty of Vine.

As for the commercial utilization of Vine – smart brand marketers are figuring out how to use the 6-second video narrative as a sort of lede – to pitch people to their big idea/story that’s part of an integrated digital strategy – working together to increase awareness, engagement, activation, and all that other good stuff.

Now if you don’t mind – I need to go back to Vine and chase my animals – I don’t think the world has enough cat videos on the InterWebz as of yet.


The Oberline College April Fools’ Day ‘Meowberlin’ Takeover

The Oberlin College April Fools’ Day website takeover is brilliant.  I’ll grant that my creative bar is adjusted somewhat when images of cats are thrown into the mix.  Here’s what AdWeek had to say about the hoax, “Small liberal-arts college Oberlin has become Meowberlin, an institute of higher learning for cats, proving once again that the Internet will pay attention to you if you do something with cats.”

Screen Shot 2013-04-01 at 1.58.03 PM

– April Fools’ Day 2013: Best of Brand Hoax - Oberlin College – AdWeek

A&W Root Beer Mascot Gets Own LinkedIn Page – MediaPost Publications

Anyone who connects with Rooty will receive the ultimate LinkedIn gift: a free, personalized (somewhat tongue-in-cheek) recommendation. A sample recommendation reads: “I have looked up to Whit my whole life, even though I’m pretty sure he’s younger than I am. He provided invaluable mentoring during a particularly rough time in my life – I won’t go into details but let’s just say it involved an unfortunate incident on a ropes course.”  So, Welcome Rooty to the world of LinkedIn…if things don’t work out at A&W, I’m sure you’ll connect with some great folks who can provide a wealth of career advice.

via A&W Root Beer Mascot Gets Own LinkedIn Page – MediaPost Publications .