Tag: Advertising

In Our Information Age, Secrecy Is Sexy. How Can Brands Create An Aura Of Mystery? | Co.Design

Knowledge was once power, but these days knowledge is expected.  We live in a culture of oversharing. We broadcast our every thought, opinion, and move as Facebook updates or tweets. There’s tremendous pride in being the first of your friends to post a good link or to start a popular thread.

via In Our Information Age, Secrecy Is Sexy. How Can Brands Create An Aura Of Mystery? | Co.Design.

Women Dominate The Global Market Place; Here Are 5 Keys To Reaching Them | Co.Design

Women are the next global emerging market.Their economic power is truly revolutionary, representing the largest market opportunity in the world. Just look at the numbers: Women control 65 percent of global spending and more than 80 percent of U.S. spending. By 2014, the World Bank predicts that the global income of women will grow by more than $5 trillion. In both emerging markets and developed nations, women’s power of influence extends well beyond the traditional roles of family and education to government, business, and the environment.

via Women Dominate The Global Market Place; Here Are 5 Keys To Reaching Them | Co.Design.

Sears Riles Shops With Demand: We Will Own Your Ad-Pitch Idea | Advertising Age

Who would turn down the opportunity to work on an iconic retail brand that spent nearly $500 million last year and ranked No. 22 among all U.S. megabrands in 2009? How about Omnicom Group’s DDB Worldwide and TBWA Worldwide; Interpublic Group of Cos.’ Deutsch; and Publicis Groupe’s Leo Burnett Worldwide, all of which are snubbing Sears, Roebuck & Co.  The reason is simple: Sears is demanding that participants relinquish ownership of materials and ideas they present during the review — even if they don’t win the business. That demand is so unpalatable that agencies are opting out — and Sears stands to lose out, unless an enterprising agency can convince it to waive the requirement specifically for them.

via Sears Riles Shops With Demand: We Will Own Your Ad-Pitch Idea – Advertising Age.

Amid New Devices and Tech, Media Retakes Driver’s Seat I Advertising Age

A host of shiny new tablets have joined Apple’s iPad. Both Apple and Google have rolled out subscription plans geared for media. Advertising is in recovery. The pendulum appears to be swinging from technology back to content. In short, it’s a time of opportunity for media; the question is how to seize it. That’s the challenge for Michael Wolf and Anil Dash, co-founders of Activate, a digital consultancy built to help media navigate opportunities ahead.

via Amid New Devices and Tech, Media Retakes Driver’s Seat – Advertising Age – Digital.

$100K of Free Branding Advice, in Just Three Words | Co.Design

There is a moment during every branding presentation I give when I offer something enormously valuable–for free. I tell clients to write down what is essentially the formula for successful branding employed by the best brands in the world. With their undivided attention and pens in hand, I summarize this formula for them in three words: Unify. Simplify. Amplify.

via $100K of Free Branding Advice, in Just Three Words | Co.Design.