The blog.

Bunny Chow – South Africa’s Indian Dish

South Africa is home to one of the largest Indian communities outside India. It’s also home to the unique curry called bunny chow. It’s delicious. So much so, that when I travel to Cape Town, I make sure head down to the Eastern Food Bazaar to get my fix.

Source: BBC – The Indian dish you can’t find in India



Time Maps The World

Photo: Peter Liu

For centuries, people have relied on the same types of maps. Whether a map is interactive or hand-colored in a book, it offers latitude and longitude as the key indexes for getting from point A to point B.But designer and software engineer Peter Liu thinks he’s come up with an entirely new way to think about mapping. What if our maps were arranged by time, instead of space?

Source: There’s An Entirely New Way Of Mapping The World, And It’s Brilliant | Co.Design



Wooden Motorcycle Powered by Algae

Dutch designer Ritsert Mans and scientist Peter Mooij created a wooden motorcycle that runs on algae to increase the visibility of the lesser known fuel source. “For every part of the bike, I looked to what nature could provide me with,” said Mans, who built the frame and springs with wood. He used cork for the dampeners and hemp for reinforcement.

Source: Dutch Designer Creates a Wooden Motorcycle Powered by Algae | Inhabitat

United We Stand

United We Stand on this 241st United States Independence Day.



Lunar At Its Most Beautiful

Here’s some geeky space content to close out the evening – Lunar is a short film created from still photographs from the Project Apollo Archive. It took brothers Christian and Wolfgang Stangl 18 months to complete…an incredible achievement. Enjoy!

LUNAR from Christian Stangl on Vimeo.