Author: christopher-pollard

Milton Glaser on Design & Dissent In the Age of Trump

“I learned that the only way to deal with men beating you over the head, was to resist.”
– Milton Glaser

Fascinating conversation between Milton Glaser and Steven Heller as they discussed how design & dissent are vital in the Age of Trump.

Source: Milton Glaser in conversation with Steven Heller at the Great Hall | The Cooper Union on YouTube

Good Design Is About Doing Good

“Don’t wait for permission; start working, start acting…That’s what the world needs today. It’s about big challenges, big designs, big proposals but it’s also about making it really small and showing the beauty of the world.”
- Daan Roosegaarde

Source: Good design is about clean air and water, not a Louis Vuitton bag, says Daan Roosegaarde | Good Design for a Bad World

How Design Thinkers Navigate Their Way from Struggle to Inspiration

Brainstorms at INDEX by Jacob Bøtter

Knowledge doesn’t exist in the world, and you don’t acquire it: Knowledge exists in our own minds, through our own active construction.

Source: IDEO’s Sandy Speicher on Constructivism: The Uncomfortable Secret to Creative Success is “Disequilibrium” — Quartz



Be a Design Thinking Champion By Learning From These 5 Common Mistakes.

Design Thinking for Advocacy by Christine Prefontaine


Design thinking involves developing empathy for visitors, discovering opportunities, generating user-centered solutions, and building and testing prototypes. From executive directors to front-line staff, I’ve worked with people at all organizational levels on applying this process to challenges ranging from the development of new digital products to the reimagining of visitor experiences.Following are the most common errors I have observed, with examples of how to overcome them. My hope is that by outlini

Source: Five mistakes of beginning design thinkers (and how to overcome them) – Design Thinking for Museums



Vikings Go Duck Duck Gray Duck

So, this happened during last night’s Minnesota Vikings v. Chicago Bears game at Solders Field. Nice to see a bit more fun on the field.


Here’s an updated map to celebrate the moment.



And, an updated Duck Duck Gray Duck map.









